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Welcome to

Our practice

Mental health services conveniently located in central Dallas


Jamie Pederson, LCSW-S and Dr. Tabatha Chansard co-founded Dallas Emotional Health to serve​ clients in the Dallas/Forth Worth area who are struggling with anxiety, depression, mood disorders,​ parenting concerns, behavioral difficulties, and other emotional challenges.​


As licensed therapists with specializations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other evidence-​based practices, our therapists believe in empowering clients to manage their emotional health through ​the knowledge and implementation of increased, targeted, and self-supportive coping skills.

Dallas Emotional Health offers treatment to patients across the lifespan:

Dr. Chansard and Dr. Burchette specialize in the treatment of children, adolescents, and young adu​lts while Jamie Pederson specializes in worki​n​g with adults.


With offices in the Energy Square Complex near Park Cities, Dallas Emotional Health is conveniently ​located for clients from Highland Park, University Park, Preston Hollow, Lake Highlands, Lakewood, ​Knox/Henderson, Uptown and Downtown.

Our Therapists

Jamie Pederson, LCSW-S

Tabatha Chansard, PhD

Dennis Burchette Jr., PhD

What we treat

Our licensed therapists treat a variety of emotional and behavioral issues

Anxiety ​Disorders

Individual therapy for the ​treatment of anxiety ​disorders, including:

  • Specific phobias
  • Generalized anxiety
  • Separation anxiety
  • OCD
  • Da​ily life stressors

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Mood/Depression ​Disorders

Individual therapy for the ​treatment of depression ​and mood disorders, ​including:

  • Depression
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Relationship stressors
  • Life transitions
  • Anger manag​ement

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Children and ​adolescents

Individual therapy with ​parent collaboration for ​treatment of disorders ​usually diagnosed in ​childhood, including:

  • ADHD
  • Social skills distress
  • Academic distress
  • Le​arning diffe​rences
  • Support through transitions

Learn More

Parent ​Consultation

Help navigating emotional ​and/or behavioral ​challenges with children, ​including:

  • Behavioral modification
  • Limit setting
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Parent-child relationship
  • Developmental guidance

Learn More

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New Clients

What to expect during your initial call and first appointment

To get started, please call 214-292-6636 or email and we will do our best to get back

to you within one business day (M-Th). During our initial phone consultation, we will schedule your first

appointment, review payment options, and provide you with login information to our Client Portal where

you can complete new client paperwork.

The purpose of your first appointment is to determine goodness of fit for ongoing therapy. We will

spend time at the beginning of session reviewing your completed paperwork before addressing the

reasons for your visit. If we both agree that we’d like to initiate treatment, we will discuss schedules and

determine a path for moving forward.

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Existing Clients

Easily access your private portal

To review, complete or modify your paperwork, please sign onto our secure Client Portal using the

appropriate link below. The Client Portal also allows you to view, modify, or cancel your

appointments outside of the 48 hour window in compliance with the cancellation policy.

Jamie Pederson, LCSW-S

Tabatha Chansard, PhD

Dennis Burchette Jr., PhD



Have a question or want to schedule an appointment?

Call us at 214-292-6636 or email ​ and someone from our ​team will do their best to respond within one business day ​(M-Th).

If you have a clinical emergency, please call 911 or go to ​your nearest emergency room.


Parking is free and available in the large lot in front of the ​building. Parking tickets are validated with your individual ​therapist. For assistance with directions, please contact ​general reception at 214-292-6636.


4849 Greenville Ave, Suite 1545, Dallas TX, 75206

We are located on the 15th floor of the Two Energy Square ​Building on Greenville Avenue and University Blvd.

Conveniently located in Central Dallas with close proximity ​to the Park Cities (Highland Park and University Park), ​Uptown, West Village, Lakewood, Lake Highlands and North ​Dallas neighborhoods.


To review our office policies, please click here

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Co​ntact Us


48​49 Greenville Ave.​ Suite 1545

Dallas TX 75206

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Office Hours

Phone Hours

Monday to Thursday

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Session appointments may be available ​outside of the hours above and are ​dependent on therapist availability.


jamie pederson, lcsw-s

Jamie Pederson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and supervisor specializing in the ​treatment of adults and adolescents with anxiety disorders, depression, anger management, ​relationship stressors and/or transitions and other emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Jamie is a specialist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based practices ​including Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).

Jamie achieved her Master of Social Work from New York University and completed post-​graduate fellowships at both New York Behavioral Health and Therapy Dallas.

Though trained in evidence-based practices, Jamie believes strongly in the power of a multi-​orientation approach. Jamie will choose the appropriate therapeutic intervention to address ​treatment goals as well as promote emotional insight and increased awareness of behavioral ​patterns.

Tabatha chansard, phd

Dr. Chansard is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ​(CBT) for a variety of emotional and behavioral difficulties. Dr. Chansard completed additional ​training specializing in the treatment of childhood disorders and is passionate about her work ​with children, adolescents, and young adults.

Dr. Chansard received her Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology and Political Science from ​Southern Methodist University. She received her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from ​the APA-accredited program at UT Southwestern Medical Center, where she served as Chief ​Resident. Dr. Chansard subsequently completed her Postdoctoral Fellowship at Therapy ​Dallas, further specializing in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Dr. Chansard is the author of Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens, and Ultimate Self-Love ​Workbook for Teen Girls. Her expertise has been featured in informational podcasts, local ​non-profit organizations, and wellness websites.

Dr. Chansard offers individual therapy and parent consultations utilizing evidence-based ​treatment modalities. With over 10 years of experience, Dr. Chansard seeks to work ​empathically and collaboratively with patients, their families, and other health care providers ​to provide comprehensive care to reduce symptoms, increase self-awareness, and promote ​emotional wellness.

Treatment is available both in-person or virtually. Dr. Chansard participates in the Psychology ​Interjurisdictional Compact (Psypact), allowing her to treat patients across state lines. Click ​here to see if you are in a qualifying state: Psypact Map

Dennis burchette jr,phd

Dr. Burchette is a licensed clinical psychologist with specialized training in Cognitive ​Behavioral Therapy (CBT). He brings a wealth of experience through his background of ​working with a diverse population of children, adolescents, and young adults in both clinical ​and medical settings.

Dr. Burchette received his doctoral degree from the APA-accredited Clinical Psychology ​program at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas and his ​bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Arkansas – Fayetteville. During his ​graduate training, he worked with a range of patients presenting with comorbid physical and ​mental health concerns in a variety of settings. Dr. Burchette subsequently completed his ​Postdoctoral Fellowship at Dallas Emotional Health, further specializing in the treatment of ​anxiety disorders. Dr. Burchette has extensive experience treating clients with various concerns ​including depression, anxiety, other mood disorders, trauma, pain management, and ​relationship and behavioral difficulties.

Dr. Burchette approaches therapy with a warm, accepting, non-judgmental, supportive, and ​collaborative nature to help achieve treatment goals. Dr. Burchette is passionate in his work ​with children, adolescents, and young adults, and he works to ensure an environment ​conducive for clients to move at their pace through their emotional wellness journey.

What we treat

anxiety disorders

Empowering those suffering from anxiety to cope more effectively

and achieve emotional wellness

Anxiety is marked by physiological (bodily) and emotional distress provoked by ​conscious or unconscious fears and/or worries. Although anxiety can manifest ​differently in varying disorders, it commonly results in a combination of physical ​sensations (nausea, rapid heart beats, difficulty breathing, trembling) and ​cognitive/emotional symptoms (negative and worried thoughts, poor concentration, ​difficulty sleeping, fears of impending doom).

There are several evidence-based treatments for anxiety, some of which include: ​exposure therapy, cognitive re-structuring, and mindfulness practice. These approaches, ​combined with dynamic psychotherapeutic work, empower those suffering from anxiety ​to face fears and worries directly, learn to cope more effectively, and achieve emotional ​wellness.

Dallas Emotional Health believes in collaboration between therapist, client, and when ​applicable, full treatment team. Your therapist will discuss the most appropriate ​intervention for specific anxiety disorders at the initial consultation appointment.


Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens

A book by: Tabatha Chansard, PhD

Mindfulness for Beginners

A book by: Jon Kabat-Zinn

A Guide to Rational Living

A book by: Albert Ellis, PhD

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depression & mood disorders

Helping those suffering from depression and mood disorders to better understand the ​interconnection between thoughts, emotions and behaviors

Depression and other mood disorders can manifest without warning or known cause ​and also in reaction to life stressors, transitions, loss and grieving. A noticeable decline ​in mood can severely impact quality of life and often provoke loss of interest in activities ​and engagement with others previously deemed pleasurable.

Additional signs and symptoms of depression include changes to appetite, difficulty ​sleeping/sleeping too often and for longer duration, social withdrawal and isolation, ​irritability, decreased concentration, and feelings of hopelessness.

Dallas Emotional Health aims to empower those suffering from depression to better ​understand the interconnection between our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Our ​clinicians are trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an evidence-based practice for ​the treatment of depression. An integral focus of treatment will be learning strategies to ​cope with symptoms and continue progressing toward self-identified goals.


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children & adolescents

We value the complexity of each child's or adolescent's individual needs

Children and adolescents often experience distinct behavioral and emotional symptoms ​that are compounded by unique environmental and educational stressors, and ​influenced by an ongoing developmental process. Distress in children, therefore, often ​looks different than in adults. Children/adolescents frequently experience anxiety or ​emotional distress as physical pain or discomfort, seem irritable and short-tempered, ​avoid activities that trigger stress, or act-out behaviorally rather than communicate their ​concerns verbally. These complex and dynamic factors during early development benefit ​from specific assessment and treatment considerations.

At Dallas Emotional Health, we value the complexity of your child’s individual needs. We ​work collaboratively with your child/adolescent, parent(s), and as needed with other ​valued care-givers (e.g., teachers, school counselors, psychiatrists, pediatricians, etc.) to ​provide comprehensive care to address your child’s specific concerns.

Early intervention and development of key emotional coping skills can equip your child, ​adolescent, or young adult to successfully manage future emotional distress, increase ​self-esteem, and promote healthy relationships.


Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens

A book by: Tabatha Chansard, PhD

Ultimate Self-Love Workbook

for Teen Girls

A book by: Tabatha Chansard, PhD

What To Do Guides For Kids

A series of books by: Dawn Huebner

and Bonnie Matthews

Contact us

parent consultation

A collaborative process with the goal of increasing positive parenting and decreasing ​parental distress

Children and adolescents routinely test parental limits, express dissatisfaction with rules, ​and avoid tasks that interfere with play time (i.e., chores and homework). However, these ​normal child behaviors can often increase in severity or frequency over time, leading to ​family distress, chaos in the home, and unhealthy parent-child relationships. With ​repetition of difficult behaviors, parental patience decreases and tempers rise.

Parent consultation with a therapist provides collaborative support identifying patterns ​in problematic behaviors and development of targeted solutions. As the parent, you are ​the expert on your child’s emotional needs, behaviors, and attitudes. As such, parent ​consultations are a collaborative and dynamic process between you and your therapist ​with the goal of increasing positive parenting and decreasing parental distress.

Parent consultations can address a variety of behavioral difficulties including, ​tantrums/meltdowns, opposition/defiance, power struggles, poor communication, and ​aggressive behaviors. The goal of parent consultation is to help parents find more ​positive ways to respond to their child’s distress, including communicating and validating ​your child’s emotions, setting appropriate limits on behavior, and increasing ​opportunities for positive reinforcement.


No Drama Discipline

A book by: Daniel Siegel, MD

The Whole Brain Child

A book by: Daniel Siegel, MD

Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose

of the Teenage Brain

A book by: Daniel Siegel, MD

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Cancelation policy

Outside of 48 hours, appointments can be rescheduled or cancelled. Within 48 hours, any changes to appointments will incur a cancellation or ​change fee equal to the amount of your session rate.

in case of emergency

Dallas Emotional Health does not provide emergency services. If you have a clinical emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

If you are in crisis and need help, call or text 9888 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL), available 24 hours a day, every day. You can ​also chat with a service provider by visiting the Lifeline’s website at

The Crisis Text Line is another free, confidential resource available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Text “HOME” to 741741 and a trained crisis ​counselor will respond to you with support and information over text message. Visit

Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical ​items and services.

  • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs ​like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.
  • Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You ​can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.
  • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.
  • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call 1-800-985-3059.


Next gen anxiety relief strategies for today’s teens

Anxiety is a difficult emotion to manage―especially with all of the stressors that come with the teenage years. From surviving ​awkward social situations to getting into college, it’s normal for teens to feel anxious. This book arms teens with effective tools to ​tackle worrying―so that anxiety doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Using the latest strategies from CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and mindfulness therapies, teens will learn how to control their ​thoughts, emotions, and behaviors so that they don’t trigger anxiety. With real scenarios they might face at school, home, or with ​friends, this book is every teenager’s secret weapon to stay cool in stressful and scary moments.

The Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens includes:

  • Anxiety decoded ― Understand the root causes of general and social anxiety, along with panic and phobias. Also, learn the Dos ​and Don’ts of coping.
  • Mind and body exercises ― Discover right-now strategies like body scanning and taking charge of your anxious alter-ego to ​stop anxiety attacks in their tracks.
  • Proven therapies ― Use time-tested techniques like CBT and mindfulness practices to manage anxious thoughts and feelings.

Set off on a journey of self-love w​ith this workbook for girls age 12 to 16

Adolescence can be an exciting yet confusing time for teen girls, who often wrestle with insecurities as they try to figure out who ​they are and how they fit into the world. This workbook helps them quiet their doubts and discover how to become their own ​cheerleader.

What sets this self-love workbook apart from other self-help books:

  • Self-love 101 ― Teens will explore the six pillars of self-love while learning how to handle the obstacles and challenges they ​may encounter along the way.
  • Engaging prompts — From taking a self-compassion quiz to writing morning mirror mantras, this book is filled with questions, ​affirmations, and activities that provide young women with tools to boost their confidence and self-respect.
  • Teen-friendly design — A fun and inviting layout paired with a conversational approach that never condescends makes this ​workbook a pleasure to page through.

Dr​. Chansard Podcast Interview

Dr. Chansard was recently interviewed on Language During Mealtime, a podcast by certified speech language pathologist and ​children’s book author Becca Eisenberg. The entire episode is available by clicking play on the icon to the left or you can listen by ​clicking the link below.

Listen Here!



Dallas Emotional Health is offering a one-year post-doctoral fellowship in clinical psychology in a private practice ​setting. The supervision team will provide expertise in treatment across the lifespan and treatment modalities ​including cognitive-behavioral therapy, parent consultation, acceptance and commitment, mindfulness, ​psychoanalytic, rational emotive behavior therapy, and humanistic approaches. This fellowship is best suited for ​candidates seeking to pursue a career in outpatient psychotherapy services in a private practice setting.

Fellowship ​Highlights

  • Fellowship following APA guidelines ​and requirements needed to become ​a fully licensed clinical psychologist ​after 1 year
  • Warm and supportive environment ​to foster growth and independence ​as a solo practitioner in private ​practice
  • Flexible programming to create a ​unique supervisory experience ​tailored to the supervisee’s long-term ​professional goals
  • Opportunities to provide clinical care ​throughout the lifespan with ​supervision from experts in child and ​adult intervention
  • Opportunities for clinical ​interviewing, treatment/intervention, ​networking, and private practice ​business training available
  • Physical offices located centrally in ​Park Cities with options for remote ​video Telehealth as deemed ​appropriate

Benefits & ​resources

  • Furnished, dedicated office in ​upscale and modern therapy suite
  • Protected study/preparation time ​for licensure exams
  • Licensure study materials provided
  • Shared practice resources
  • Competitive compensation
  • Salaried compensation to provide ​financial stability as your personal ​practice grows
  • 2 weeks paid vacation
  • Flexible scheduling based on your ​preferred work-flow
  • Training in the business of running ​a private practice
  • No non-compete restrictions
  • Access to electronic health records ​systems
  • Malpractice insurance provided

Application & ​Submission

Application Requirements

  • Doctoral degree from APA-​accredited clinical, school, or ​counseling psychology program
  • Completion of pre-doctoral ​internship

Please Submit:

  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • 3 Letters of Professional Reference

How To Submit:

  • Email all materials to ​
  • Letters of reference can be emailed ​directly from professional to email ​above
  • Submission Deadline: 12/15/24

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